Sunday, August 31, 2008

Youth Seminar 2008

Mengekspirasikan Pujian dan Penyembahan

Segala sesuatu diciptakan olah Allah dengan baik dan sempurna adanya, termasuklah para malaikat yang dibawah pengawasan penghulu Malaikat iaitu Gabriel, Mikhael dan Lucifer. Tidak ada cacat celanya dihari penciptaan-Nya.
Hinggalah salah satu penghulu malaikat iaitu Lucifer yang ditugaskan untuk menjaga tahta Allah serta memimpin para malaikat yang lain untuk memuji dan menyembah Tuhan, jatuh kerana kesombongannya yang ingin menyamai kedudukannya dengan Allah. (Yehezkiel 28 : 11-19, mengenai kejatuhan Lucifer). Bermulalah kehancuran, kebinasaan dan kerosakkan (Yohanes 10 : 10).

Apakah peranan pemuzik, pemimpin pujian, penyanyi latar dan penari?

Maka tugas kita adalah untuk mengembalikan segala sesuatu kepada Allah. Sebagai pemuzik, pemimpin pujian, penyanyi latar, dan penari, kita harus mengambil tanggungjawab untuk berperanan bagi gereja kita terutama sekali didalam ibadah kita. Sebab itu kita ingin melihat peranan kita di dalam gereja sekarang.

Tiga hal yang membuatkan pujian dan penyembahan sangat berkuasa

3- EX

  • Exaltation - Pengagungan / Penghormatan

  • Expression - Pujian akan nyata kalau ada ekspirasi

  • Experience - Pengalaman yang intim dengan Allah

Definisi pujian (PRAISE)
Merupakan cara kehidupan kita setiap hari. Pujian membuatkan hati kita rasa senang dan diterima oleh orang lain.

P => Proclaim - Penghistharan kuasa Allah

R => Rejoice - Bersukacita setiap hari dalam Tuhan

A => Applause - Tepuk tangan

I => Instrument - Alat-alat musik

S => Sing - Menyanyi

E => Expression of the body - Kita mengerakkan tubuh kita untuk memuji Tuhan

Definisi Penyembahan (WORSHIP)

  • Eksperesi hati (bukan emosi) tapi diungkapkan dalam bentuk kasih dan pemujaan kepada Allah dengan sikap dan pengakuan kita yang sesengguhnya.

  • menyelami peribadi Allah

W => Wait upon the Lord - Memastikan Allah terus terus berbicara dalam kehidupan kita.

O => Offer our lives - Mempersembahkan seluruh hidup kita kepada Tuhan.

R => Rest in His Presence - Berdiam diri untuk merenungkan kasih Allah.

S => Sing adoration - Nyanyian pemujaan untuk Allah dan biarlah dari hati kita.

H => Humble before the Lord - Merendahkan hati kita terlebih duhulu kepada Tuhan.

I => Intimacy with God - Keintiman yang erat dengan Allah agar setiap yang dilakukan berjaya.

P => Pleasing our Father - Menyenangkan hati Bapa

Cara mengeksperesikan pujian dan penyembahan

1. Suara/Mulut/lidah

  • Berkata kata (Bermazmur)

  • Menyanyi

  • Berseru/Berteriak/Bersorak

2. Menggunakan Tangan

  • Mengangkat tangan

  • Memainkan alat muzik

  • Bertepuk tangan

3. Anggota Tubuh Yang Lain

  • Berdiri

  • Bersujud

  • Menari-nari

4. Eksperesi Lain

  • Tertawa

  • Senyum

  • Menangis

  • Berdiam Diri

Worship Performance in praise and worship

1. Good Performance - Penampilan Yang Baik
2. Good Ekspression - Ungkapan Yang Baik

A. Good Performance

Menunjukkan nilai-nilai positif melalui perbuatan,sikap dan pergaulan kita, sehingga kita menjadi berkat bagi orang lain

  • Harus keluar dari hati yang murni

  • Mempunyai pengalaman hidup dengan Tuhan

  • Buktikan bahawa kita sungguh-sungguh melayani Tuhan

  • Jangan samakan dengan performance sekular kerana fokus kita hanya kepada Allah

B. Good Expression

Ungkapan / Ucapan kita yang benar dan sungguh-sungguh, yang dapat dilihat dari pelayanan kita.

  • Melibatkan mimik/gamik muka, pandangan mata, senyuman, gerakkan badan kita

  • Memotivasikan jemaat Tuhan untuk meng ungkapkan hati mereka kepada Tuhan

Cara berekspirasi dengan baik

1. Jangan terbawa-bawa emosi kita semasa melayani

  • 1 Tesalonika 5 : 16 - 18 => memuji Tuhan pada segala waktu.

  • Ibrani 13 : 15 => Korban Pujian

2 . Bukan hanya melaluai perbuatan atau mulut sahaja tetapi keluar dari hati yang tulus dan murni.

3 . Memiliki hubungan yang intim dengan Tuhan

4 . Menghafal semua lagu-lagu yang akan dinyanyikan.


Kita harus memiliki gaya hidup sebagai penyembah (Yohanes 4 : 23 - 24) dan sesorang yang suka memuji dan dan menyembah Tuhan pada segala waktu dan keadaan. (Mazmur 34 : 21)

  1. Mengenali Allah secara mendalam

  2. Peka / sensitif terhadap Roh Kudus

  3. Mempunyai sikap seorang hamba

  4. Berdisiplin dengan masa / waktu

  5. Memiliki kemampuan dasar musik

  • Kemampuan untuk menguasai nada (nyanyian telalu tinggi atau rendah)

  • Kemampuan untuk menguasai Pitch Level (klimik - Ketinggian nada suara)

  • Pengetahuan tentang teori dasar musik (eg. Kod lagu, rytham dan tempo)
Berkomunasikasi dengan baik:
  1. Percaya diri dan rendah hati
  2. Eksperasi wajah dan tubuh
  3. Tanda isyarat tangan (hand signal) - kod-kod guitar, keyboard dsb...
  4. Tanda isyarat tangan untuk kod-kod lagu
  5. Berkomunasi kepada team sepelayanan secara:
  • Lisan
  • bertulis
  • Bahasa tubuh
  • Penampilan

6. Jangan terlalu banyak bercakap kerana kita bukan pengkhotbah.

Yang Harus Dilakukan

  1. Berdoa - Minta urapan dan hadirat Allah serta dikuduskan menjadi alat Tuhan
  2. Latihan Vokal:
  • Jangkauan / kesampaian suara
  • Volume / bunyi suara harus stabil dan mantap
  • Hearing / Pendengaran
  • Artikulasi / Ucapan
  • Firman Tuhan - dinyanyikan dan di praktikkan dengan iman.

3. Check list lagu-lagu sebelum melayani:

  • Sudah menguasai semua lagu-lagu
  • Siapkan lagu-lagu tambahan (extra song)
  • Tulis kod-kod lagu dan tentukan 'FLOW' nya


1. Pilih lagu-lagu yang bersesuaian dengan tema kebaktian atau Firman Tuhan2. Berdoa dan minta pimpinan dan pengurapan Roh Kudus


1. Mulakan lagu-lagu yang bertemakan pengucapan syukur dan pengagungan kepada Tuhan
2. Pastikan lagu-lagu yang akan kita nyanyikan sudah di ketahui oleh jemaat


1. Mempersiapkan hati dengan sungguh-sungguh
2. Usahakan datang lebih awal 25 - 30 minit sebelum kebaktian bermula
3. Pastikan penampilan yang rapi, bersih dan fizikal yang sihat
4. Ambil masa untuk berdoa bersama-sama dengan team pelayanan


1. Tarik nafas perlahan-lahan untuk menghilangkon rasa gugup dan gentar
2. Berjalan menuju ke mimbar dengan tenang dan penuh dengan keyakinan
3. Berdirilah denga posture tubuh yang betul
4. Biasakan selalu tersenyum dengan ramah dan beri salam pembukaan kata
5. Mulakan kebaktian tepat pada masanya


I . Pegang mikropon dengan cara yang betul supaya suara dapat didengar dengan jelas dan wajah kita dapat di lihat dengan jelas
2. Menyanyilah dengan teknik yang betul - Pernafasan yang betul dan teratur - Suara yang jelas - Ikut irama dan tempo dengan betul
3. Berekspresi dalam setiap lagu
4. Jangan kaku atau berdiam did semasa lagu-lagu perlahan
5. Bertepuk tangan mengikuti irama ketukan "snare-drum"
6. Elakkan memukul-mukul mikropon semasa bertepuk tangan atau semasa isetting up'
7. Fikirkan saat yang sesuai bila hendak membawa jemaat untuk berdiri atau duduk
8. Harus memiliki kreativiti
9. Elakkan selalu menutup mata semasa menyanyi - Tidak salah posisi

Melihat respon jemaat
10. Kalau ada kesilapan daripada worship Leader, pemuzik, back up singers serta yang mengendalikan P.A.System, buatlah seperti tidak terjadi apa-apa kesilapan dan tetap tersenyum ramah
11. Bedkanlah 'hand signal'dengan jelas kepada pemuzik & back up singers
12. Good Hearing!!!!
13. Enthusias - bersemangat dan bertenaga
14. Menyanyi dengan penguasaan harmonisasi yang betul dan baik
15. Worship Leader harus berdiri di depan dan di ikuti oleh back up singers & pemuzjk
16. Selalu mempunyai komunikasi antara pemuzik, back up singers
17. Jangan memaksa diri untuk menyanyikan lagu dengan nada yang tedalu tinggi dan pitch level yang tidak sampai
18. Jangan berhenti di tengah-tengah lagu apabila mahu mengubah nada dosar lagu(Kod lagu)
19. Menikmati pujian dan penyembahan supaya berkat sukacita mengalir transfer kepada jemaat


I . Rehat yang cukup supaya kondisi fizikol kita selalu segar dan sihat
2. Romah semasa di dalam don di luar pelayanan Uangan sombong)
3. Tidak makan atau minum yang serba 'TERLALU' - PEDAS - PANAS - SEJUK - MINYAK - BANYAK
4. Elakkan tedalu banyak bercokap atou berbual semasa di luar pelayanan - Meng hi nalari dari kato-kata ya ng 'tedepas' - Menjaga pengurapan - Me(ihatkan pita suara
5. Latihlah vokal setiap hari - Worming up - Vocaling
6. Doa pengucapan syukur bersama-sama dengan team pelayanan

Let all creation worship Him -psalm 150

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Magnetic Bracelets The Facts

The media has recently given magnetic bracelet as a natural treatment for arthritis pain a lot of attention. This has been a great opportunity for many, who advocate using alternative pain relief for treating arthritis, to start selling magnetic bracelets.

Online shops have sprouted left, right and centre over the last few years, all claiming to sell high strength magnetic bracelets. It has become a ‘gauss war’ so to say. But what are the facts? Does magnetic bracelet really relieve pain? And more importantly what type of pain relief can someone expect to get from using magnetic bracelets?

In one word – YES; wearing a magnetic bracelet will give you pain relief. BUT not in your knees, back or feet!

The main reason why magnetic therapy fails to work is because this natural treatment is usually not applied correctly. Before using any form of magnetic treatments one must understand that healing magnets will only work on a localised area. For example, if one is looking to have relief from low back pain without drugs or surgery, wearing a magnetic bracelet will not relieve their lower back pain. They will need to wear the therapeutic magnets as close as possible to the point of pain. In this case a magnetic back belt will be the best treatment.

Hence, wearing a magnetic bracelet will only relieve pain in your hand, wrist, fingers and lower arm at most. Therefore, you can be almost sure that you will get a certain amount of natural pain relief when wearing a magnetic bracelet, if you suffer from any of the following conditions: repetitive strain injuries, tendonitis, arthritis in the wrist, carpal tunnel syndrome, post surgery pain relief to the hand, wrist and fingers and sprains and strains or any other type of injuries to the fingers, arms, wrists and hands only.

If your condition is chronic and long term then you should opt for a high strength magnetic bracelet. But don’t expect quick results. Magnetic therapy takes weeks if not months to relieve pain completely. The key here is to persevere and wear your magnetic bracelet 24/7 for at least a few months.

So if you are considering using a magnetic bracelet to relieve pain the natural way, then one note of advice would be to buy your magnetic product from someone who offers a long money back guarantee period. Al least then if it doesn’t work for you after several months of using it, you can always get your money back.

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Are there any side effects or risks involved when using magnetic therapy?

There are no known side effects to using medical magnetic treatments.

Healing magnets are totally safe and they do not contain any chemicals or drugs. Unless you have one of the conditions listed here, you may use magnetic therapy and you will not suffer any side effects or risks whatsoever.

Some people report that they feel warm or hot for the first few days, especially at the point where the magnets are placed. This feeling is entirely normal and happens because their circulation is improving and their body is better perfused than before.
It's a little bit like when you exercise, your body gets hot due to the increased blood circulation (perfusion).

The feeling will settle after a few days as your system gets used to it and readjusts.
Others have documented that they feel tingling and slight dizziness for the first few days of use and once again this is due to the increased blood circulation and it will also settle very quickly as your body get used to it.

Very rarely people have commented that they have developed a rash, or redness or that they have felt nauseous as soon as they have put their magnets on.There is absolutely no physiological reason for this to occur. It cannot be and allergic reaction as it does not fit the pattern of an anaphylactic reaction.

All the patients who have experienced these phenomenon report that as soon as the magnets are removed the symptoms dissipate straight away.
This also supports the evidence that it is not an allergic reaction as an allergic reaction would require drug therapy to reverse the effects simply removing the magnets would not be sufficient.

We do not know for sure why occasionally this happens but the most favoured professional rationale is that the effects are psychosomatic , i.e. that the symptoms have been manifested due to the persons fear and insecurity about using magnets.

When we are nervous and unsure about a situation that is new to us the body goes through many biological processes to help us decide whether the situation is safe or not. The mind plays an important role in telling the body how to react to an unfamiliar situation.

If the mind decides that it is safe then you will continue as normal but if the mind decides that the new situation is unsafe then it will take measures to protect itself from potential danger and harm.
This is known as the flight or fight response.
The body decides whether to run for safety or stay and fight. All of this happens in the sub conscious mind and we are not usually aware of the process, until as decision is reached by the mind.

With the use of healing magnets the mind has to decide whether it believes magnets are safe to use or not. Most peoples minds do accept that magnets are not harmful and therefore safe to use and you will not feel any adverse effects from using them.

On the other hand, there are a few people who are worried that the magnets may be harmful and unsafe to use. Their fear grows and if they do not seek reassurance from a trained practitioner to allay their fears, they can begin to manifest “symptoms” like the ones described above.
Their mind is simply playing tricks on them to get them to stop using the magnets so their fear goes away. As soon as the body complies the mind stops producing the “symptoms” and all the rashes, redness or nausea abates almost immediately.

It is natural to be wary and fearsome of the unknown and for most people magnets are very unknown. The best way to prevent unnecessary fear about using magnets is to find out as much information about magnets and how they work as you can.

Also if you have access to one consult as trained magnetic therapist who will be able to answer all of your questions and put your mind at rest.
As discussed above, it is very improbable that you experience an allergic reaction from the magnets itself.

However, it must be noted here that you may be allergic to the other materials of the magnetic product. Most magnetic jewellery for example contains some metals; and if you have a metal allergy, then you may develop an allergic reaction.
In that case you can always opt for hematite magnetic products which are usually hypoallergic.

Magnetic Therapy Can Improve Poor Circulation to Your Hands and Feet, Here's Why

Do you suffer with cold hands or cold feet even in the middle of summer? If yes, then you might be a victim of poor circulation without even realising it. Find out how to improve your circulation the natural way using magnetic therapy

Do you suffer with cold hands or cold feet even in the middle of summer? If yes, then you might be a victim of poor circulation without even realising it. But don't worry, help is here. Read on to find out how to improve your circulation the natural way using magnetic therapy.

Poor circulation may be an indication of a heart disorder. High blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, Raynaud's Disease, and phlebitis are all connected with the circulatory system and having these conditions can lead to poor circulation within the body. So do not ignore the possible warnings and existence of these conditions specially if you have had them for a long period of time.

The symptoms of poor circulation are:

  • Cold hands and feet.
  • White fingers.
  • Dizziness when standing quickly.
  • Numbness
  • Varicose veins.
  • Migraine headaches.
  • Tinnitus and hearing loss.

Causes of poor circulation

The main causes of having a poor circulation could be cholesterol, plaque on artery walls or lack of exercise. It may also be hereditary. Your susceptibility to these types of problems can be caused by an imbalance in your system.

Magnetic therapy can effectively and quickly help resolve the effects of poor circulation. I shall now introduce a few magnetic therapy devices that will help alleviate cold feet and hands.

Magnetic therapy treatment for poor circulation:

Poor circulation predominantly affects the extremities (peripheries) of the body such as the fingers, hands, feet and ankles. Poor circulation can manifest by having cold feet and hands or lack of sensation, plus swollen feet, ankles, hands and fingers. The body's circulation can be improved with therapeutic magnets. The application of magnets to the wrist, fingers and feet will improve the local circulation of these areas. Furthermore, to promote an increase in the body's whole circulatory system, magnetised water should be consumed.

Common magnetic therapy devices for alleviating poor circulation are:

  • Magnopain magnetic shoe insoles to increase the circulation to the feet and lower leg. These are very easy to use as you simply place them in your shoes and wear them all day long. The most beneficial way to use them is to take them from shoe to shoe so your feet have contact with them throughout the day. There should be no need to wear them during the night but some people with ‘restless legs’ find their symptoms much reduced by placing them in bed socks. Magnetic shoe insoles are extremely strong and can have as many as 50 magnets per insole. This magnetic strength allows the magnetic field to penetrate all the way up the leg and as far as the knee.
  • The use of a high strength (2,000-3,000 Gauss/200-300 milli Tesla) Magnopain magnetic bracelet to combat poor circulation in the hands. You would need to wear a magnetic bracelet on each wrist for maximum benefit. The magnetic field will increase circulation to the wrist, hand and fingers. It is advocated that the bracelet be worn at all times 24 hours a day 7 days a week to obtain the best results. You can also wear magnetic rings on your fingers if you suffer with cold fingers instead of cold hands.
  • If you drink at least 4 glasses of magnetised water a day you should notice an improvement to the circulation though out your whole body. If the magnetic shoe insoles, magnetic rings and/or magnetic bracelets are used in-conjunction with drinking magnetised water the effects will be increased by 10 times. You can magnetised water by placing a Magnopain magnetic water wand in a glass of water for 10 to 15 minutes.

How to make magnetic therapy products work faster?

Many people who uses magnetic therapy to relieve pain finds it difficult to stick to the regime of permanently wearing the magnetic product night and day for weeks; if not months. It can be quite challenging to follow this pain relief treatment especially if you are not noticing marked improvement in your pain level.

Fortunately there is a very effective yet simple solution to make your magnets work faster for you.

The secret to enhance the overall effect of your therapeutic magnets is to use the following combination of magnetic therapy pain relieving products at the same time.

After years of testing, the Magnetic Therapy Council discovered that to achieve maximum benefit fast, one should wear a magnetic product at the point of pain, drink magnetized water and sleep on magnets. Here’s the logic behind this treatment.

Magnets worn at the point of pain achieves great result as the magnetic field can penetrate deeper into the painful area compared to healing magnets that are worn further away from the point of pain.

This very important fact is slowly becoming common knowledge amongst users of magnetic therapy treatments. But what is still little known is that if you drink magnetic water and sleep on healing magnets too, the effectiveness of this natural treatment is increased tenfold.

When you drink magnetic water each day, the overall healing effect of the magnets placed on your body has been measured to be as much as ten times greater.
And best of all it is perfectly safe to drink magnetized water when taking medication, there are no adverse effects on the body whatsoever.
It is totally safe, chemical and drug free.
Obviously, when you drink magnetized water you are tackling your problem from inside and outside at the same time.

This 2 sided approach will most definitely increase the strength of the magnetic field at the point of pain plus it will also speed up the healing process by increasing the absorption rate of the magnetic field.
Magnetic water will also detoxify your body, eliminate excess fluid and waste. But what’s even more important, it will increase your energy levels and boost your circulation.

Therefore aim to drink at least 4 glasses of magnetic water a day to improve your wellbeing.
The human body heals, recuperate and rejuvenate mostly at night time whilst we are asleep and sleeping on healing magnets boost this process even more. In brief, whilst you are sleeping your body enters it’s most productive healing phase.

Because you are asleep your organs do not need so much oxygen and this allows the body to concentrate on repairing the damage to your body.
That’s why when you sleep on very high strength magnets (over 2,000 gauss per magnet) the magnetism is very rapidly absorbed into the tissues and blood stream, up to 3 times quicker than during the day.

What this means is the blood flow will be radically improved, so much so that almost all the excess fluid and toxins (puffiness and swelling) in your body will be drawn away and safely excreted, plus the increased blood flow will provide any damaged areas with all the essential healing nutrients needed to kick start the healing process.

So if you are using a magnetic product that is taking a long time to relieve your pain, you can make the natural healing magnets work faster by drinking magnetized water and sleeping on a magnetic pad.

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Is it safe to use magnetic therapy with conventional medication?

It is perfectly safe to use magnetic therapy products with all conventional treatments except drug patches. This includes oral medication, physiotherapy, steroid injections, epidural injections, splints, supports, gels and creams and tens machines.Healing magnets do not interact with medication prescribed by your doctor, they will not affect the way in which your tablets work even if you are taking lots of tablets for several different problems.

For example you could be taking warfarin, high blood pressure tablets, aspirin, insulin, diabetic tablets, pain killers, steroids, anti depressants, high cholesterol tablets and many many more.
The only medication that will be affected by magnets are GTN drug patches, all other medication and drug patches are safe to use with magnets.

Magnetic products do not interfere with any treatments that you may be receiving from your doctor or specialist (except dialysis, chemotherapy and radiotherapy).You do not have to stop using magnets before you start a course of treatment, for example you can use magnets if you are having a course of steroid injections or if you receive epidural injections. Magnets are safe to use during a course of physiotherapy or hydrotherapy.

You may also use magnets in-conjunction with a tens machine, simply remove the magnets whilst the machine is in place and put them back on, after the tens session is finished. Even people requiring quite major treatments such as dialysis are still able to use magnets before and after their treatments.

One of the most common reasons for the failure of magnets to work is that people do not realise that it is safe and perfectly OK to use magnets with conventional treatment they receive from the GP or hospital. Many people stop using them once they start a new treatment. As soon as the magnets are removed the benefits that they were receiving begin to fade and they then wonder why their symptoms have reoccurred.

For many people there is a fear of telling their doctor or specialist that they are using magnets. There really is nothing to be afraid of. Most doctors have now heard about magnetic therapy and for many of them it is not a therapy that they believe in, but your doctor does not have to believe in magnets for you to use them. You do not require your doctor’s approval or blessing to use and benefit from magnets.

They cannot order you to stop using them or refuse to treat you because you are using them. It is your individual right to choose which treatments conventional or non conventional that you expose your body to.

If you are worried about your doctor’s reaction to your use of magnets then you quite simply do not have to tell him/her. You do not need to disclose the use of magnets to your doctor if you do not feel comfortable doing so.

I always advocate that people do let their doctor know as it will improve the communication between your doctor and yourself but if you really can’t face doing this then there is no medical reason for you to tell him/her.

Whether your doctor is for or against the use of magnetic therapy, thousands of people all around the world IS using this treatment on a daily basis for treating numerous conditions.

Is it safe to use magnets when having acupuncture, reflexology or any other complementary therapy?

Magnetic therapy is totally safe to use with all other complementary therapies. Healing magnets have been used in Chinese medicine in-conjunction with acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy and herbalism for thousands of years. Magnets interact with all other complementary therapies to increase the effectiveness of each therapy. Quite often we may see a patient in our clinic whose pain has not completely been resolved with magnets, we will refer that person to another practitioner of another therapy that we feel they may benefit from in-conjunction with magnets

Can magnetic bracelets effectively reduce high blood pressure?

This article explains how wearing a magnetic bracelet and drinking magnetic water can help in reducing high blood pressure.

What is high blood pressure?

The heart is a small but very powerful pump that beats steadily throughout your life, circulating five litres (more than 10 pints of blood) around the body every minute. The smaller blood vessels through which the blood passes produce a resistance to blood flow. The pumping of the heart against this resistance creates the blood pressure necessary for the circulation of the blood. This circulation is essential for nutrition of the major organs, such as the heart, kidneys, liver and brain, providing the vital oxygen and nutrients necessary for life. So, everyone needs to have a blood pressure to maintain their circulation!

When the heart contracts, the highest pressure it produces is called the systolic pressure; when it relaxes, the lowest pressure is called the diastolic pressure. Both of these pressures are important in determining the risk of heart attack and stroke, so both will be measured by your doctor. A normal blood pressure in a young person might be around 130/80 (often described as 130 over 80) - this is shorthand for a systolic pressure of 130 and a diastolic pressure of 80. We start thinking blood pressure is high when it is above 160/100

Understanding high blood pressure

Blood pressure is vital to life whilst high blood pressure can be a threat to it. A permanently raised blood pressure leads to an increased tendency to blood vessel damage, and blood clot formation which may result in heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. High blood pressure affects one in six of us. High blood pressure tends to run in families. Ironically, you may be totally unaware that your blood pressure is high. Apart from rare exceptions, there is no cure for high blood pressure. Treatment lowers blood pressure, but when it is stopped the blood pressure rises again.

Magnetic therapy treatments for high blood pressure:

Although there is no known cure for the majority of people suffering with high blood pressure, it is possible to treat it very successfully. Mainstream treatments include water tablets (diuretics) and high blood pressure tablets (anti hypertensives: beta blockers, ace inhibitors and calcium channel blockers).

Magnetic therapy can also be used to treat high blood pressure by eliminating excess fluid in the body. When a person is first diagnosed with high blood pressure the first course of treatment a doctor will try is diuretics, the aim of water tablets is to eliminate fluid from the body this is a side effect of high blood pressure (particularly the extremities: hands, feet and ankles). The excess fluid puts pressure in the heart and this in turn increases blood pressure.

The primary aim of diuretics is to get rid of the extra fluid so that blood pressure is reduced, as the workload of the heart reduces. Magnetised water has a natural detoxification effect on the body, drinking at least 4 glasses a day will eliminate excess fluid (plus toxins stored in the fluid) from the body. This has the same effect as diuretics; in that as the fluid is “off loaded” the workload of the heart is decreased and blood pressure is reduced.

In addition to drinking magnetic water blood pressure can also be reduced by wearing magnets around the wrist. The radial artery is situated in the wrist and is one of the bodies main arteries, when a magnetic field is applied over the radial artery the magnetism is rapidly and distributed around the body. Blood flow is improved around the whole body and the heart, the whole circulatory system receives increased oxygen which in turn increases oxygenation of the organs and tissues, as a result of the improved oxygenation the heart does not have to pump so many times a minute to ensure enough oxygen is supplied to the body and this reduces the workload which will automatically reduce blood pressure.

Although these 2 magnetic treatments for high blood pressure are extremely effective and will give results very quickly, it is important to remember that high blood pressure medication should not be stopped suddenly. If you use magnets to treat your high blood pressure ensure that your blood pressure is checked regularly by the GP or practice nurse. When your blood pressure has reduced your doctor will reduce your medication accordingly.


Can Magnetic Therapy Help Sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

This article discusses how to use magnetic therapy and magnetic water effectively to relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

We all get tired. Many of us have felt depressed at times. But the mystery known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is not like the normal ups and downs we experience in everyday life. The early sign of this illness is a strong and noticeable fatigue that comes on suddenly and often comes and goes or never stops. You sometimes feel too tired to do normal activities or are easily exhausted with no apparent reason. Unlike the mind fog of a serious hangover, to which researchers have compared CFS, the profound weakness of CFS does not go away with a few good nights of sleep. Instead, it slyly steals your energy and vigour over months and sometimes years.

Causes of Chronic fatigue

For many people, CFS can begin after a bout with a minor illness such as a cold, or an intestinal bug. Often, people say that their illnesses started during a period of high stress. In others, CFS develops more gradually, with no clear illness or other event starting it. While no one knows what causes CFS, for more than a century, doctors have reported seeing illnesses similar to it. In the 1860s, Dr. George Beard named a similar or identical syndrome "neurasthenia" because he thought it was a nervous disorder with weakness and fatigue.

In the mid-1980s, health experts labelled the illness "chronic EBV" infection when laboratory clues led scientists to wonder whether the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), one of the causes of infectious mononucleosis, might be causing this group of symptoms. Evidence soon cast doubt on this theory.

Magnetic treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome

Successful treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome depends on increasing energy levels. Drinking magnetic water will increase energy levels and reduce tiredness.

One of the many benefits of drinking magnetised water is that it eliminates toxins in the body. Your body stores harmful toxins with in the tissues of the skin. These toxins are potentially harmful to your body and can not be safely detoxified by the liver. When you drink magnetised water the size of the water molecule is increased and its ability to absorb toxins is much greater, so as the magnetism flows around your body harmful toxins are drawn out of the tissues and safely transported to the kidneys for excretion from the body.

You can lose as much as 2 litres (4½ pints) of excess fluid that you don’t need. Once the excess fluid has been eliminated the heart does not have to work so hard and blood pressure reduces, energy levels automatically increase as the body does not have to use up so much energy for basic functions. You will feel less tired, sleeping will be easier and generally you will have a great sense of wellbeing. Many people with chronic fatigue find that with just a few weeks of drinking between 4-6 glasses of magnetised water a day they can return to many of their previous activities, even return to work.

The effects of the magnetised water will dissipate fairly quickly with chronic fatigue sufferers, so to ensure energy levels remain at normal it is recommended to drink magnetic water permanently.

What is Magnetic Therapy?

This article explore the scientific basis behind magnetic therapy and why is it effective at reducing painful conditions such as arthritis, back pain, spondylosis, fibromyalgia and many more...

Historically it is reported that magnets have been around for an extremely long time. Magnets were first documented around 2500-3000 years BC. Magnets have been used in Chinese medicine from around 2000 BC in-conjunction with reflexology and acupuncture. It is still used today as a first line treatment for many common complaints. However the last 15 years has shown a prolific increase in medical research into magnetic therapy. There have been over 57 studies in the USA into incurable diseases and magnetics.

Science has discovered that a magnetic field over and around the point of pain increases blood flow in the effected area. The blood contains iron and when therapeutic magnets are placed on the skin the magnetic field penetrates through the skin and into the surrounding tissues and blood stream. The iron in the blood is attracted to the magnetic field, this causes movement within the blood stream and the increased activity causes the blood flow to improve. This increased blood flow carries with it greater quantities of oxygen, vital nutrients, and especially endorphins which relieve and soon remove and alleviate the pain.

When static magnets are placed over an area of inflammation, the magnetic field penetrates through the skin and deep into the tissues and blood stream. Damaged cells will react to the presence of a magnetic field by realigning their ions into the correct position. This begins the process of eliminating the excess fluid from within the cell. Cell damage will stop and healing of the cells will begin over a period of days. In real terms the effects of these magnets will reduce pain and discomfort in and around the area that they are placed.

The truth is, magnets need to be placed directly over the area of pain to have an effect. Unfortunately you cannot treat the whole of your body with just one magnet. Magnets do not block the pain signal. They work on the cause of the pain, which is why static magnets have to placed as close to the point of pain as possible. In short, wherever your pain is located you must place the magnets within that area or the very close proximity.

The pain reducing effects will remain for as long as the magnets remain in place, thus reducing the need for other analgesics.

Best of all, magnets are natural, contain no drugs or chemicals and have no known side effects. Magnets leave a lasting and deeply beneficial reduction of painful symptoms for 82% of users that will stay with them for as long as they continue to use them.

Research studies have shown magnets to be effective in 82% of cases and have demonstrated benefits in the following conditions:

Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Spondylosis, Fibromyalgia, general joint pain, muscular pain, M.S., stroke, insomnia, migraine, stress, depression, bowel disorders, Diabetes, high blood pressure and poor circulation.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is it safe to use magnetic therapy with conventional medication?

It is perfectly safe to use magnetic therapy products with all conventional treatments except drug patches. This includes oral medication, physiotherapy, steroid injections, epidural injections, splints, supports, gels and creams and tens machines.
Healing magnets do not interact with medication prescribed by your doctor, they will not affect the way in which your tablets work even if you are taking lots of tablets for several different problems. For example you could be taking warfarin, high blood pressure tablets, aspirin, insulin, diabetic tablets, pain killers, steroids, anti depressants, high cholesterol tablets and many many more.
The only medication that will be affected by magnets are GTN drug patches, all other medication and drug patches are safe to use with magnets.
Magnetic products do not interfere with any treatments that you may be receiving from your doctor or specialist (except dialysis, chemotherapy and radiotherapy).
You may also use magnets in-conjunction with a tens machine, simply remove the magnets whilst the machine is in place and put them back on, after the tens session is finished. Even people requiring quite major treatments such as dialysis are still able to use magnets before and after their treatments.
One of the most common reasons for the failure of magnets to work is that people do not realise that it is safe and perfectly OK to use magnets with conventional treatment they receive from the GP or hospital. Many people stop using them once they start a new treatment. As soon as the magnets are removed the benefits that they were receiving begin to fade and they then wonder why their symptoms have reoccurred. For many people there is a fear of telling their doctor or specialist that they are using magnets. There really is nothing to be afraid of. Most doctors have now heard about magnetic therapy and for many of them it is not a therapy that they believe in, but your doctor does not have to believe in magnets for you to use them. You do not require your doctor’s approval or blessing to use and benefit from magnets.
They cannot order you to stop using them or refuse to treat you because you are using them. It is your individual right to choose which treatments conventional or non conventional that you expose your body to.
If you are worried about your doctor’s reaction to your use of magnets then you quite simply do not have to tell him/her. You do not need to disclose the use of magnets to your doctor if you do not feel comfortable doing so.
I always advocate that people do let their doctor know as it will improve the communication between your doctor and yourself but if you really can’t face doing this then there is no medical reason for you to tell him/her.
Whether your doctor is for or against the use of magnetic therapy, thousands of people all around the world IS using this treatment on a daily basis for treating numerous conditions.

Is it safe to use magnets when having acupuncture, reflexology or any other complementary therapy?

Magnetic therapy is totally safe to use with all other complementary therapies. Healing magnets have been used in Chinese medicine in-conjunction with acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy and herbalism for thousands of years. Magnets interact with all other complementary therapies to increase the effectiveness of each therapy. Quite often we may see a patient in our clinic whose pain has not completely been resolved with magnets, we will refer that person to another practitioner of another therapy that we feel they may benefit from in-conjunction with magnets.

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Friday, August 8, 2008

VOX Electric Guitar Cables Accessories

Structural Diagram

Vox Cables - Class A Instrument Cables

Since 1957 VOX has been the sounds behind many of the world's most influential musicians. VOX Class A cables continue this tradition of tone. Audiophile grade material and technology give you the lowest possible signal loss, distortion and noise. With VOX Class A cables nothing comes between you and your tone.


  • Multi-gauge coaxial cable geometry optimised and specially tuned for either electric guitar, electric bass or electro-acoustic guitars.
  • Pure oxygen-free copper for maximum signal transfer.
  • Polypropylene dielectric enables stronger signals and better high frequencies.
  • 24K gold-plated connectors for long life and corrosion resistance.
  • Braided cloth jackets for long life with superior flexibility.

Standard guitar/speaker cables compromise performance by using lower grade conventional copper conductors. This can result in signal loss and distortion that cause lower definition, poor dynamics and inaccurate sound. VOX Class A cables use high grade oxygen-free copper cable conductors that yield better clarity and a more natural sounding midrange. The stranded construction has been carefully selected and tuned using the optimum strand gauge and strand count to give the maximum performance for the instrument applications specific to each cable. A precision formulated, polypropylene dielectric material results in stronger signals that yield better high frequencies, and more realistic tonality and nuance.

In addition, VOX Class A cables feature 24K gold-plated connectors for maximum corrosion resistance and signal flow, and are double shielded to provide maximum isolation from electromagnetic and radio frequency interference. VOX Class A Cables are available in 13-foot and 19.5-foot lengths for electric guitar, acoustic guitar and electric bass. The cables include a cloth carry bag and are packaged in attractive retail packaging.

Guitar Cable

Vox guitar cables use the finest grade OFC copper conductors that will give you better clarity and a more natural sounding midrange. This material is seldom used for guitar cables, and is world renowned in audiophile circles. The unique multi-gauge design uses conductor types that are optimized for their particular frequency ranges, and this results in sound that is much more dynamic, fuller sounding, and more natural and life-like. Other cables sound flat and lifeless in comparison. These products are fully engineered using proprietary technology and manufacturing methods to bring you a vastly superior musical experience.

Bass Cable

Vox Bass cables provide an extended, more accurate bass, as well as freedom from noise and interference that can compromise your musical experience. These products use superior grade 99.99% purity copper conductors that will give you better clarity and a more natural sounding bass range. The large solid core bass conductors result in fuller, deeper, more extended bass response, and this is combined with thinner gauge stranded conductors that give better mid and upper bass response. The exact design was established by doing hundreds of hours of listening tests through numerous types of equipment. The precision formulated, Polyethylene dielectric material results in stronger signals that yield better definition of lower frequencies, and more natural sounding bass.

Acoustic Cable

The Vox acoustic cables use the finest grade OFC copper conductors that will give you better clarity and a more natural sounding midrange. This material is seldom used for guitar cables, and is world renowned in audiophile circles. The unique multi-gauge design uses conductor types that are optimized for their particular frequency ranges, and this results in sound that is much more dynamic, fuller sounding, and more natural and life-like. Acoustic instruments are the most difficult to reproduce, and the three-way multi-gauge design was optimized during hundreds of hours of testing, to deliver the most accurate, and musical, acoustic performance possible. These products are fully engineered using proprietary technology and manufacturing methods to give you the best possible performance out of your equipment.

Vox Cables - Vintage Coiled & Rock Guitar/Bass Cable

Vox cables utilise unique audiophile grade materials and technology to give you the best possible performance. Features include:

  • Multi-gauge conductors to give optimum performance at all sound frequencies
  • Finest grade 99.99% purity, oxygen-free, copper cable conductors for superior sound
  • Maximum noise isolation using two separate shields
  • Premium quality, abrasion resistant, high-temperature PVC jacket for maximum durability
  • Precision-machined gold-plated connectors with one-piece tip for maximum conductivity and the reliability you need
  • Precision formulated polypropylene dielectric for better signal transfer and unique sound quality

VCC Vintage Coiled Cable

The classic 'curly cable', the VCC has been part of some of the most historic moments in rock and roll history. A unique multi-gauge design uses individual conductor types that are optimised for their particular frequency ranges, resulting in a reliable coiled cable that is truly musical. The cable is nine metres long (29.5 feet) and comes in black, blue, red, silver or white.

VGS VOX Rock Guitar/Bass Cable

These specially selected, tuned stranded conductors give optimum performance and a classic rock sound. Available in two lengths: three metres (9.8 feet) and five metres (16.4 feet).

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Vox amPlug

Headphone Amplifier APMT (Metal)
About This Product!
Introducing the amPlug – the headphone guitar amp that lets you enjoy serious guitar sound, fast. Jamming late at night? Don’t want to wake the neighbors? Maybe you want to work out a lick with your MP3 player without taking the time to set up your amp. You want to play guitar right now. amPlug is the answer. Simply plug this palm-sized headphone guitar amp directly into your guitar, and enjoy serious guitar sound anywhere, anytime.
It’s even available in three different sound styles: VOX AC30, Classic Rock, based on a UK-made amplifier head, and Metal, based on a California-made high-gain amplifier head. Even with its ultra-compact size, amPlug perfectly reproduces the complex and warm distortion that is distinctive of a vacuum tube, as well as the powerful high gain produced by a large amp stack. Using all new analog modeling technology, amPlug delivers full-fledged amp sound.
  • Plugs directly into your guitar—a great-sounding headphone guitar amp that gives you serious sound fast.
  • Available in three styles: VOX AC30, Classic Rock, and Metal.
  • AUX in jack lets you jam along with your CD/MP3 player.
  • 100% analog circuit faithfully simulates the response of the original amps
  • AC30 emulates the AC30 top boost sound of a vintage VOX AC30.
  • Classic Rock gives you the great high-gain sound of a UK-made 100W amp.
  • Metal delivers the explosive roar of US high-gain metal sound.
  • Up to 15 hours of battery life with two Alkaline AAA batteries.
  • Quick and easy setup! Just connect amPlug to your guitar and enjoy serious sound.

With its completely analog design, great care was also taken with amPlug's gain circuitry. "Metal" uses two stages of ultra-high gain plus a mid-cut circuit, giving you modern metal high-gain sound anywhere and anytime. Even the circuit response of the original amp is simulated completely. The simulation extends not only to the response of the tone circuits, but also to the way in which the high frequency and gain are affected when you turn down the volume control of the guitar. Every detail has been faithfully reproduced.

AmPlug can be used in numerous ways

With up to fifteen hours of battery life, it's easy to take amPlug anywhere. In addition to practicing at home, it's a great way to warm up before a live performance or on the road. And amPlug is not just a convenient way to get great guitar sound. There's also an AUX input jack so you can jam along with your CD/MP3 player.

Technical Info

  • Power supply: two AAA batteries
  • Battery life: with alkaline batteries: approximately 15 hours (with zinc-carbon batteries: approximately 7 hours.)
  • Dimensions (W x D x H): 86 x 80 x 31 (mm), 3.39 x 3.15 x 1.22 in.
  • Weight: 40g /1.41oz. (not including batteries).
  • Included items: two AAA zinc-carbon batteries

Note: Appearance and specifications of this product are subject to change without notice.

Marshall MG15MSII

About This Product!

The Marshall MG15MSII Microstack is a complete Marshall stack that will fit into any room. The amplifier is based around the MG15CDR and features two channels, spring reverb and Marshall's proprietary FDD (frequency dependant damping) technology. Supplied with two 1 x 10 inch speaker cabinets its looks and sounds great. The dream of owning a Marshall stack has now become a reality!

Marshall MG15MSII Micro Stack Guitar Amplifer

  • 15 Watts of Marshall Power

  • Designed by the Valvestate team

  • Twin Gain Controls for maximum preamp flexibility

  • Controls for Bass, Treble, and Contour for maximum tonal flexibility

  • Master Volume control

  • Spring Reverb

  • Headphone jack which mutes loud speakers

  • CD input

  • Line Out jack

  • Two 1x10 in. cabinets - 1 angled, 1 straight

  • Custom voiced speakers

  • Has an incredible low end

  • Looks amazing!

  • Sounds amazing!

Coustomer Review This Product

"Marshall's Best (So Far)"


I'd like to see an affordable amp in the Marshall line that has features like Line 6 amps, such as Metal, Insane, and Solo effects that are built in. Other than that, this amp has great features and it doesn't have a bazillion knobs to mess with.


We've taken this to every gig we've played at and it's been attacked by our guitarist (he broke his First Act on the bottom cabinet) and it's fallen off stage and it kept playing.


No doubt this is the best Marshall amp for the cash. This is the amp that every guitarist should long for.


Looks good. Very good


I've had this amp for about 4 years since I got rid of my Wal-Mart amp and guitar and I now have an Ibanez GRG170DX guitar with it and this amp sounds great. Especially considering the fact that I ogt it for free in a guitar contest. Sweet amp!

Ease of Use:

Very easy to figure out. Catches buzz from cheap guitar pickups. (My friend's First Act buzzes real bad.)


Haven't had to mess with them. The best service is not having to use it.


Buy it. You won't be disappointed with this amp. It's a beast for only 15 watts.

Submitted: 5/1/2008
Style of Music: Thrash metal, Seattle grunge.

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